Ep 79 with Natasha Larmie

Dismantling Anti-Fat Bias in Healthcare with Dr Natasha Larmie


In this episode, Natasha shares her arrival onto the Instagram scene, what the weight stigma research shows, the difference between implicit and explicit biases and how they impact clients and patients, what’s really happening when a doctor prescribes ‘weight loss’, the makings of the ‘Healthcare Professionals Against Weight Stigma Group’ and how you can begin to contribute to the collective dismantling of weight stigma.


Listen to the Episode here:


Here Fi and Natasha speak about:

  • Who Natasha is and her journey to becoming a GP.

  • Bursting onto the Instagram scene; how Natasha went from someone writing a ‘weight loss’ blog to somebody powerfully anti-diet.

  • The 70 billion reasons why doctors are struggling to stand up and speak out about and against weight stigma.

  • What the weight stigma research shows and how biases fuel anti-fat attitudes in medicine and health care.

  • How implicit and explicit biases differ and why we MUST start addressing biases from the very beginning to ensure stigma-free and respectful health care. 

  • Why health professionals demonstrating implicit bias shield themselves through their ‘niceness’ and ‘caring natures’ and how this can be unhelpful for patients and clients.

  • What’s really happening behind weight centric diagnoses or treatments, why clients need to be affirmed and the need for timely referrals.

  • The makings of the ‘Healthcare Professionals Against Weight Stigma Group’, including the groups 3 fundamental intentions and Natasha’s hope for the organisation moving forward. 

  • Shady weight stigma organisations, the oppressive nature of BMI and the importance of coming together as a collective group to eradicate weight stigma.

  • How you can begin to contribute to the collective dismantling of weight stigma.

As mentioned in the podcast:

More about Natasha: 

I'm a weight inclusive GP with over 20 years medical experience who is campaigning against weight stigma in healthcare. I've been fat for most of my adult life, and I'm only now beginning to realise just how much of an impact anti-fat bias has had on my physical and mental health. In coming to this realisation and embarking on a lifelong learning journey, I began exploring the issues surrounding weight-based discrimination and how they impact the health of my patients. My mission is to educate the healthcare profession and empower the fat community to rid the world of weight stigma – Dr Natasha Larmey.

Connect with Natasha:




