Ep 78 with Rachel Larkey

Barriers to HAES in Dietetic Practice with Rachel Larkey


In this episode, Rachel shares how her thesis evolved into a research paper recently published in journal of critical dietetics, she shares the three key barriers identified by dietitians when introducing IE and HAES approaches with clients in the community setting and how they showed up, how autonomy can help facilitate the use of IE and HAES in community practice and other ways forward for dietitians working in this space.

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Here Fi and Rachel speak about:

  • The roadmap that lead to the publication of Rachel’s recent paper; “Intuitive Eating and Health At Every Size in community settings – a dietitian’s perspective of practice barriers”.

  • The three key barriers identified by dietitians when introducing IE and HAES approaches and principles with clients, specifically; 

    • The barrier of; ‘diet culture and inconsistent messaging’; Rachel shares how this can show up in all areas of dietetics, not specific to community or public health.

    • The barrier of; ‘legislative and administration policies’; how this can show up, its widespread nature in public and community dietetics, why we need to acknowledge what evidence based practice really is in order to address this and how this specific barrier contributes to burn out and impacts workplace competence.

    • The barrier of; ‘personal beliefs of clients and colleagues concerning weight and health’; how this can show up and why it is essential we set foundations of safety with our clients. 

  • Struggling with shades of white saviourism when ‘pushing’ IE and HAES approaches in the community settings – the critical need for more diversity in dietetics.

  • The importance of safety, belonging and trust and why we need to continually check ourselves.

  • The main facilitating factor identified in Rachel’s research and the ways forward for dietitians working in the public and community settings. 

  • What Rachel would you like other research to investigate and ideas she would love to see deepened from those addressed in her paper. 

Establishinga Facebook support group to support fellow public and community dietitians – how you can join and the opportunities for group supervision!

Listen to the Episode here:

As mentioned in the podcast & additional links suggested by Rachel:

“These are some cool scholarships and groups/orgs that I recommend to my patients frequently, and they could do with some love”

More about Rachel: 

Rachel Larkey, MS, RD, CDN, CLC is a dietitian and certified intuitive eating counselor. She currently works full time at a federally qualified healthcare center in New York and sees a limited amount of private clients virtually. She is dedicated to exploring ways to adapt HAES-based care and Intuitive Eating to the needs of public health and community nutrition spaces.

Connect with Rachel:

Website – currently under construction and coming soon!



Facebook group