Ep 6 - Sumner Brooks, MPH, RD, LD


Fellow Eating Disorder Dietitian and founder of #EDRDPro Sumner Brooks shares valuable insights about how she came to being a dedicated Health At Every Size practitioner and support for people who want to be free from dieting. 

Here Sumner shares:

  • The personal and professional bumps along the road that led to her understand the experiences of others in a way that has enhanced her skills and 

  • Her thoughts on the importance of listening, and being with clients

  • Why going to conferences is so important!

  • Who have been the most influential Dietitians for Sumner?

  • The book that EVERY SINGLE DIETITIAN needs to read

  • What is culture?

  • What can you expect from EDRDPro including a sneaky peek at hearing about some of the guests presentations!


About Sumner:

Sumner Brooks is a registered dietitian and certified Intuitive Eating counselor specializing in eating disorders and GI health in Portland, Oregon. For over 9 years Sumner has been working as an outpatient dietitian in numerous settings, including private practice and running her former business, Not On A Diet, in Torrance, CA for over 5 years. For the majority of her career, Sumner has been drawn to working from a non-diet approach, and has always had a passion for treating Binge Eating Disorder. Sumner earned her master's degree in Public Health from UCLA and now views fighting diet culture and eating disorder prevention as her public health mission. She is the author of Savvy Girl: A Guide to Eating, and the founder of the international web-based eating disorder conference for professionals, EDRDpro Symposium. 

You can find Sumner at www.eattolivehappy.com
And the amazing EDRDPro direct link HERE